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Old 28-09-2011, 07:19 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Kureigu
They are truly amazing, In january 2010 i couldnt run a mile, now i can run 9/10 miles without stopping, av done really well for myself, wish there was more and more people running and doing something about there health rather than sitting in pubs allday getiing tipsy.

Edited by SF Staff

Quite amazing isn't it? I started running a year or two ago, like you I couldnt run a mile. At one point I was running 7 some odd miles.. I never did 9 or 10 mile runs, but I'm fairly confident I could have. I often do 3.5 mile runs during the week with a flat terrain.On the weekends I run 4 miles with a different route that includes a lot of up hill terrain.
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