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Old 31-03-2018, 05:35 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Its so funny and yet very serious and a sad thing that todays mainstream society has us so cut off from even ourselves and our own mind. If you hear it wouldnt it be real? If you saw it, would it be real? If you touched it would it be real? What is reality? What is your definition of reality?

Some people will see big foot come out of the forest and level them with a log. After waking up a week later they will still deney it ever happened. Let the world show you what is reality. Now you must learn how to be able to tell the difference between energies. One can be your dad but also one can pretend to be your dad. One thing is key though that Love is the ultimate truth.

:) good luck.
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