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Old 23-06-2018, 11:03 PM
Realm Ki Realm Ki is offline
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Global Summer Soltice Reading 2018

This reading was made in preparation for Summer Solstice, a few weeks ago. It describes the movements of the next half year, up until Winter Solstice.

I used the Shadowscape Tarot (rarely use any other) - and I only did an 'intuitive' read this time, ie what I saw in the images, not looking up their classical tarot meaning.

If you know tarot, the cards might mean something different to you, this then would be your personal reading, in addition to my general, grander scheme, 'to all' reading.

There are three cards on the whole period, three cards specific to beginning, middle& end of the period, an aide cards for each.

And an outcome card peaking into the future.

1. ATTENTION för this period:
Gaia is singing souls into divine order ~ listen for your part of the song.

2. HESITATIONS/Challenges/Blocks:
9 of Wands: Resistance, arms, fears.

The dark in each of us, and us in unity raising to arms, may strengthen the fear, not the light. Do not stay in resentment or ego, move past all imagined 'armed forces' in your way, they are an illusion of your fear. The path is clear, so be it.

3. AIDE on this Quest:
10 of Swords: Breaking free, songs and arrows that cut through the veil.

Use your activation energy to cut through all given truths, all ideas of limitation. Anger and other negative emotions can aide you, if you let them be what they are; guides of action, to let you through to the truth, light and love.

4. BEGINNING: Summer (First 1/3 of halfyear)
The Hanged Man:

Something will help you that is truly unexpected, allow the real information to seep in, accept and appreciate the support. There is real power in friendship.

5. AIDE card (1/3)
Knight of Cups: A knight in shining that will help you see the goal clearly. A friend of the elements, a helper. Trust this friend to set direction.

Love and Light - and Life!

And we turn our attention to the world, not away. We receive our learning from the songs it sings and the choir of One we're all in.

And while we walk gently, we generate love, healing, the most powerful energy of all, Life!

Soaking in life, we spread the light <3
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