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Old 12-07-2017, 12:57 AM
Glitterkiss Glitterkiss is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 38
throat chakra reacts to things i said

I wonder if anyone has had this experience or some insights on this:
I had a conversation today with a friend during which I said a few things that might have been challenging for them, or risky. Nothing bad that I regret but still, I'm not sure ultimately how they received my message. To add, it was over the phone so I couldn't gauge their reaction physically.

Shortly after and still, I am experiencing a sore throat. Very sore and I started to wonder if my throat chakra is having a reaction to what happened. I got to feeling like energy was focusing on my throat while often, i have tingles or activations throughout daily in my heart, third eye or sacral. First time with the throat.

Again, any and all opinions and/or experiences are welcome. thanks for taking the time.
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