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Old 09-10-2017, 03:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by A human Being
For me it's ultimately a question of fully integrating all aspects of ourselves, including our sexuality (stop rolling your eyes!). I think our tendency is to compartmentalise, suppress, fixate, because we're subject to all this conditioning about how we're 'supposed' to relate, what's 'proper' and what's not, and that's how it had to be for us to reach this stage in our evolution - but now we need to go beyond that because our society has become dangerously dysfunctional, and that's reflected both individually and collectively.
No eye-rolling! Re-integrating our sensuality/sexuality into our spiritual lives is so important, it having been stolen by religions for so long now. (By spiritual...(sorry, I hope I don't get too litigation-sounding again here - someone might just pick me up on it) I'm pretty sure you'll know what I mean).......... by spiritual I meant into our whole-selves so that the Superego doesn't keep passing judgement on sensual matters thanks to the way it was conditioned in earlier life; and acknowledging the demands of the id (good old Freud!). Sexuality/sensuality are in the flow of our self expression. I read so many stories here of repression, suppression and displacement that deny our psyches honest expression. Sure, knowingly block them if someone wants to for whatever reason but be aware, kind of thing.

In some faiths/currents the segregation never happened. It doesn't mean they're romping around at sex the whole time, in fact probably less than most because there's less obsession arising from those basic drives and - so much healthier; emotions are less convoluted and closer to ones "surface" ( seems from my admittedly limited immersion in the culture.)

It's interesting that you comment on compartmentalising. It does seem to pervade people's lives. Education | work | play/socialising | sex | religious activities | hobby | etc. I've always thought of education as life-long, not something that ends as you exit the school gates for the last time. Same with hobbies, incorporating them in some aspect of work, even if only to regard work as a way of financing them (which helps to divert selling out to the great corporate trick)!

Fascinating about basic drives and displacement, I managed to miss that particular conversation but I may have to have a look. Good question, too... I'm not sure, I'll have to think about it!
Step away from the edit button, it's fine!
Beware you don't waste your time. This psychology stuff came up in semiology and marketing. I'm no fan of general psychology but psychoanalysis is something different. Anyway, the topic made me think - something I've been warned against many times plus it gives me such a headache.

(Anyone got any spare morphine....?)
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