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Old 17-09-2019, 02:00 AM
Posts: n/a
reincarnation is a mistranslation of ancient Middle Eastern religious codex. You do not reincarnate because you did not exist until your parents make you this is the magic of life now although you are you you have and job title so to speak this job title for torch to carry I should say it's because of your bloodline and it changes every single time you mix your Bloodline with somebody else's now in that bloodline all of your ancestors that have learned something have contributed to your specific Bloodlines akashic records that you can tap into if you find out how .
In the animal kingdom it's called instant.

But you are here to gain understanding to be an individual to make your understanding of life is unique to you which is the opposite of the cancerous concept going around where we need to "all become one" which is spiritual suicide.