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Old 07-07-2011, 02:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Thanks for the thought provoking thread, yinepu. You asked which resonated with each of us and I'd have to say that number one - living a life true to oneself - hit me. Not so much that I haven't lived my dreams, but because I spent a lot years doing something I didn't want to do. I think, though, that sometimes (most times), situations and responsibilities play a large role not being able to be true to yourself. If you have a family, the responsibility of caring for them - financially and emotionally - can easily override your personal desires.

That was so in my case, and for awhile I regreted that. Not any longer. I think that those years were in some ways preparing me for later things, that those years and circumstances led me to my soul mate - who subsequently led me to where I am now. So, no or later. I've done a lot of things in my life (to date) and most of those were things I really wanted to do.

I've recently embarked on my third career..writing...something I've wanted to do since high school, but I wasn't ready...until now. All that occurred before had to happen first...;o)
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