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Old 26-11-2018, 05:56 PM
Posts: n/a
Rough topic? When you have traveled and lived among the real natural people of course the frauds stick out. In Native American Spiritual ceremonies and gatherings or camps there is no fee. There may be a cost but each individual decides what and how they will contribute. I think Europe knows the industrial revolution is suicide. The Natives of the Plains of North America (Turtle Island) have been projected on screens all over the world as beating all odds of genocide and people see the natural way of life natives share with the land and not the rape and pillage of industrialization. They see the fight and struggle to hold on to what is left and people find that attractive. Anywhere a fraudulent buck can be made though it will.
We use to put people up on the hill (vision quest) at Bear Butte SD and you could see many frauds with groups of prepaid people. Some hundreds of dollars. Once some of the people found out we did not charge one cent some jumped into our group and left their prepaid guru.
Just a few thoughts anyway.
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