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Old 16-07-2019, 12:18 AM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
Posts: 3,580
One perspective is that the physical universe is the densest plane of manifestation. There are more subtle planes which are given various names such as the astral plane, the mental plane, and so on. These are the planes of the afterlife.

Everything goes through cycles of manifestation and dissolution. These cycles may be called manvantara and pralaya, the out-breath and the in-breath of God, the Big Bang and the Big Crunch. So the physical universe will at some stage go out of manifestation, but the more subtle planes will remain. Then at some point a new cycle of physical manifestation begins.

The same applies (on a smaller scale) to our planet and also the solar system we inhabit. These may be called mini-manvantaras and mini-pralayas within the greater cycle of the universal manvantara and pralaya.

And even this universal manifestation and dissolution also occurs within still greater cycles of Cosmic manifestation and dissolution, when the physical universe plus the subtle planes of our afterlife go into a greater pralaya, dissolving whence it came until the next manifestation.

Everything is cycles within cycles within cycles.

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