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Old 15-05-2018, 11:49 PM
Sorai Rai Aorai Sorai Rai Aorai is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 661
They could do cooperative construction games similar to Minecraft, building anything conceivable in a spiritual sandbox.

Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
From other species? This really depends on whether you are referring to the spirit world or other advanced civilizations within the expanse of the multiverse to which you are a part.

Strategic games, such a chess… from what I have observed within developed civilisations the concept of games based on principles of competition or winning do not exist in their culture. Such games are alien to them. The concept of winning is considered pointless and self-serving. Where one wins and another is caused to lose something is not considered as something fun. It is considered counterproductive.

The point of strategic games is to outmanoeuvre an external opponent or challenge.

It is the aspect of challenge itself which causes your own boundaries to become your own opponent. It is therefore quite prevalent to observe creative or challenging activities which test ones own boundaries of thought and imagination. This applies both to those of the spirit world and those of advanced civilisations.

The primary drive we identify here is not to cause another to lose, but for both or more to win or benefit. Apply this principle to your concept of fun through the tools of challenge and you have a better idea what can be observed. I am sure you have some ideas. If you think in terms of a permeating drive for creation.

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