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Old 24-09-2015, 05:19 PM
Little Oil Lady
Posts: n/a
Yes, and...

the subconscious stores all memories since birth...but our memories are a collection of events and perceptions. you can recall memories, and then reframe the experience to a positive one.

For example, if two siblings lived in the same household they may have separate may have experienced their life growing up with a positive out look, 'my mom and dad loved me....they were strict, but i am grateful. The other sibling may have the same memory with a different outlook, 'my parents hated me, they never let me have fun, etc'

So you can use hypno to reframe your experience from a negative one to a positive one. You don't even need hypno to do that, can start by recalling the 'negative' memories you have and analyze it.....'what was the real truth to the situation? what if there was another way to look at it? what was the lesson I could have learned from this difficult time?'

The more you reframe your memories to positive experiences, the happier and more at peace you will be.
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