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Old 14-09-2019, 03:49 PM
Blue Tiger Blue Tiger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 522
A medium is one way to do this safely. Any good medium knows how to prevent unwanted/unsafe entities from coming through, or sends them away if they do try.

But I've had quite good results on my own.

I find a photograph of the person I want to speak to, and set it on a low table. Then I surround it with flowers, candles, or little keepsakes that remind you of them. Put on soft background music. Ground and protect.

*At this point, if you are at all concerned, you might call upon your guide or guardian to watch over you and keep you safe.*

I relax my mind and focus on the picture and objects. After a few minutes I start to (mentally or aloud) speak to the photograph. From time to time I pause to see if there are any words popping into my mind that might not be my own.

More often than not, I "hear" the person in the picture respond.

When I am done, I blow out the candles, turn off the music, and thank the person in the picture for speaking with me.

Then I drink some water, wash my hands, and take a moment to ground and protect myself.

Because you are focusing on just one individual, and NOT summoning them but just speaking to them, there is minimal chance of any negative entities coming through.

This is more of a Celestial Phone Call than a spirit visit.
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