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Old 01-12-2017, 04:46 PM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Originally Posted by Jyotir

Hi Iamit,

It is well established that intuition in its native status is infinitely and inherently more reliable than the de facto dominant concrete and rational mental (even vital) processes - reasoning, doubt, prejudices, aversions, etc., which can, and certainly do often taint, overwhelm, or distort those intuitions in the untransformed being, as they descend into waking consciousness. Who hasn’t experienced this (especially in retrospect)?

But that doesn’t invalidate the more substantial point conveniently sidestepped - that the reliability of intuition when in its purer manifestations, comes from a direct subjective identification which is accessible by, to, from, in, and through oneness, which is an intimate and immediate knowing from identity of self, regardless of how differentiated. (the leaf knowing it is the tree also knows the roots)

The practice and benefit of meditation is that it can clarify cognition by tranquilizing the grosser mental attachments/movements allowing for increasingly consistent experience in the subjective self, and therefore provide normalization of intuitive insight, thus surpassing the conditional limitations of objective cognition.

Projection in a way, is the inverse of intuition. It is an externalized attribution of that (cognition) which is internally untransformed in the projector; an (unconsciously) objectified self-identification which is usually not reliable except in its falseness, e.g., maya/appearance. It’s why animals, in another version of projection endemic to that 'kingdom', attack and devour those other animals that demonstrate the quality of animation/vital energy, with commensurate consequences. The residuals of this aggression/defensive dynamic are still very much present in human beings even if substantially combined with mind as desire-mind and can manifest as aggression and acquisitiveness unless and until transformed into a more benign dynamism and self-giving.

Contrary to popular conception, this ‘conditioning’ often spoken of in contemporary psychological terms is borrowed by spiritual aspirants who seem to rely on these metaphors (physics, social science, etc.) to explain metaphysics and spirituality, since those meta-forms are the most available and familiar. However this conditioning so-called is not really a social phenomenon, although ‘obvious’ and tempting as a naïve conclusion. The real conditional aspect of ‘conditioning’ in the spiritual context is profoundly fundamental to physical existence itself, and precedes and subsumes any social dynamics (i.e., punishment, rejection, etc.) as manifestations superficially perceived.

~ J

Well I am glad you feel confident that your character is clear of conditioning you may have repressed:) to judge with what you think is your intuition clear of distortion, what an experience is like for another. I would not trust that particularly in such a sensitve matter as sitting in judgment of another about whether thier experience was genuine or not concerning the end of the spiritual search. But that is typical of the arrogance of TA when considering NA.
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