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Old 30-10-2019, 12:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Curses and hexes take a lot of energy. To be doing them every day would really be a waste of that energy, as, with all magick they need time to take root and produce results.

However, to answer your hypothetical question, affirmations would probably not work. It would take a counter spell to rebound or disperse the negative energy.

The easiest one that can be performed at anytime us, as follows; -

Fully submerge yourself in a salt water bath, repeat 'I call upon... [the angels/God/ancestors or whoever you seek protection with] cleanse me of the magicks that seek to harm me' 9 times.
Once you have done this, pull the plug and allow the bath to drain with you still in it. Once the water has drained climb out and pat yourself dry.
To prevent any further attacks, place a mirror facing outwards in a window to deflect any negative energy back to the sender.

You could smudge with sage or palo santo but I don't advocate cultural appropriation. You can search protection oil blends tho and diffuse them as a way to cleanse the energy in your home.

I hope that covers your question.
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