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Old 03-10-2019, 09:59 AM
NoOne NoOne is offline
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Zozo is just the modern version of Pazuzu. He has been around since Sumerian times. Ever seen The Exorcist? Yep, he was the protagonist of that one and none to happy that he was exposed in that way. They did not mention his name, but showed a Sumerian statuette, which is one of his most famous depictions. Regan gets possessed when she "comes" into possession of that artefact. These artefacts act as conduits that connect the person in this world to the depicted entity in the astral. The people who wrote that script and the novel it was based on, knew what they were doing.

Pazuzu is a wind demon, a very ancient and powerful entity. His Hebrew name is Azazel, which means "against god". According to the book of Enoch, which is part of the Bible in some Christian denominations, he was the original rebel angel, leader of the watchers, the original fallen angels, who were cast into the Abyss (Abzu, the Sumerian underworld).

He continues to reside in the Underworld and manipulates events in ours to his liking. Jewish religious elders conduct a ritual in the deserts of Israel every year in which all the sins of the Jewish people are transferred to a goat, which is then sacrificed. This goat (which is where "scapegoat" comes from) represents Azazel and he is cursed in this way every year. Because of this, he is often depicted as a goat-headed demon, with a humanoid body.

You can laugh all you want and ridicule the very possibility that he might be real, he won't mind that, but he certainly will mind the truth about him being exposed and put out there. This is just for your information, DO NOT try to summon him or try to mess around with him. It is best if you even avoid saying his name out loud, all versions sound like the blowing wind, because he is a wind demon.

I wish it was all just a joke or an urban legend, but I can assure you, it most certainly isn't.