Thread: Alzheimer's
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Old 22-06-2014, 09:12 AM
Posts: n/a
Thanks all of you, I'm worried about a relative of mine, she claims she's ok, but her memory problems can be really bad sometimes and she at times forget's knowledge about common things. She is extremely stressed and exhausted due to hardships, and has suffered from chronic stress the last 25 years, and it could be a case of extreme exhaustion which is what she claims.

I hope it's exhaustion, but fear the worst. The worst part is that she refuses to even have a checkup with brain scans, blood tests etc to check it out.

Due to the non checkable reality of afterlife it's impossible to say there is an afterlife, but you have given me hope that there is, and that the mind stays as normal as it was before potential Alzheimer's.

Are there any good books about the theories of Afterlife and the immortal soul?
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