Thread: Rising Earth
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Old 12-06-2014, 04:28 AM
Brobian Brobian is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Brewster, Ohio
Posts: 224
Rising Earth

Lately I have been having a lot of images manafest in my mind. I have a very powerful imagination, which seem to amplify the affect of these images.

For example: today I was sitting in my car and I stared up in the sky. I noticed the clouds were just beautiful and the captured my gaze. Then as I was enchanted in their beauty, an image formed in my mind.

I was sitting in the same place but I wasn't either, around me everything was dark and dreary. Life on the planet had vanished or died. It was night time or the clouds above were blocking out the Sun, which they looked oddly thick.
Beneath my feet I felt her tears, her broken life, or what was left of it. I could tell she was hurt from years of being abused by her own children. Her energy, which I can always feel inside me when my feet are touching her soil was nearly depleted.

With her last remaining life energy she begged me for help and then died forever. I knew that life on her would never live again.

The Earth asked me to help but I'm not sure what to do.
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