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Old 23-04-2018, 05:05 PM
Debrah Debrah is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 387
But you're still missing my point Altair. We have taken their right to live their own lives for their own purposes and made them wholly dependent on our interests. Even the suggestion that the environment needs them is easily refuted by the realization that take them out of the equation, and the wildlife would replace them and do what nature needs doing. It's our affinity and habit of using animals that is causing a massive extinction of wildlife in our era.

The animals don't exist for us except as we have decided they're useful. Even from a Biblical perspective if you are a Christian, they weren't created for us except as fellow travellers on the planet. We were given plants to eat.

The fact is, they have interests and lives and friends that have zero to do with 'our needs'. And again, if we don't require them in order to live healthier than we do, why use them? Why steal their lives from them? They should have no purpose except as they see fit to live their lives. Or not if we didn't force them into existence in the first place.

As for the rest of your comments about your 'ideal' situations, pipe dreams as reminders of tiny agrarian populations that used to be. It ain't gonna happen now. We have 7.6 billion humans who mostly reside in cities and towns and the vast majority of them are not going to be caring for a cow and her multiple calves for all of their lives and the same goes for every other farmed animal. So maybe it's time to just forget about that notion.
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