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Old 09-12-2010, 05:30 AM
Posts: n/a
It isn't speculation, I know for a fact that the veil can be damaged, that is fact. I also know that once the veil is weakened, it is very difficult to repair, that is also fact (an ally of mine makes it his life's work to restore the veil, which i find... kinda pointless)
I also know that astral abilities and magical practices are amplified to a large degree under these veil weak points. That is fact. So I ask myself what damages the veil? This is my first attempt at tearing it apart, by using brute force. I'm trying to find out if the veil is weakened when a large spritual pressure is contained within a small area,(a similar theory exists in physics that deals with space time and heat) That is my experiment in a nutshell.