Thread: Meeting a fairy
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Old 08-02-2020, 02:08 PM
Ordnael Ordnael is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Himavanta
Posts: 393
What if the fairy is my soulmate, and I must rescue her from Hades by marrying her?

The same story repeats itself everywhere: Adam and Eve, Orpheus and Eurydice, Dante and Beatrice, Hades and Persephone, Lord of Darkness and Princess Lily... ok, excuse the last one.

According to the doctrine, when Eve was sent from the Light to speak with Adam, who was on the ground, the authorities pursued her, the same way that the satyrs pursue the nymphs. She then turned herself into a tree and hid in it. She became a hamadryad, like Daphne when she fled from Apollo, or Syrinx when she fled from Pan.

After my Eve was separated from my soul, she remained in the invisible Earth while I came to be in the flesh. Therefore, I must rescue her from Hades, this way we can be together again and restore our original divine form.

This is what Zeus had intended for the androgynous creatures after they were split in half, that they should spend their lives looking for their other half. But the truth is that the other half is not in the visible reality, but in the invisible. For when Pandora opened the jar to punish mankind, all evils escaped and infested the material world, Hope remained hidden underneath, so that only a few can find it and become divine again.

Man has this instinct, of protecting and saving the maiden from danger, they call it the 'white knight syndrome'. It could be the unconscious ache of the human soul, knowing that its counterpart is out there somewhere, locked away, longing to be found and reunited.
My words of wisdom: Every civilization wishes to serve the Deity, but they can only do so to the extent of their wisdom and justice. & The greatest religious revelation is the correct interpretation of the things in the sky.
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