Thread: many hard lives
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Old 16-12-2013, 03:14 PM
Posts: n/a
I'm curious on this subject. I know for myself I've been a militant in any past life I've had insight into. Which annoyingly enough the only things I've really been able to see from those past lives is how I was killed. None being the result of any torturing as far as I can tell. Most were instant which I suppose is a bonus. Although, would it surprise anyone that I'm currently military again? But, I got put in to do medical work, so maybe I'll get to see old age?? Then again I'm looking at going into search and rescue...haha

So on this whole topic, I think we are geared into what we can withstand in life and hopefully push our limits for the next. I know I can endure the military life, and it comes very naturally, as well as working the medical field. It's all very interesting! :)
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