Thread: Am I in love??
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Old 03-09-2017, 01:57 PM
Fresco Fresco is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 339
Originally Posted by knightoflenity
Talk about what?

If she's talking football a lot & you like football it might just be that it's different?

Also when you say beautiful - is it like a radiance or is it that "she faaane"

Do you feel nervous or at ease around her? Is she responding well to you or is it one sided at the moment?

I ask all of these questions because the ladies or "fair maidens" as I like to call them do strange things to us. They take us off our game with a twinkle in their eye but is that twinkle directed towards you?

Questions, questions ..

She can talk about the most mundane things, and I'm still infatuated with her.

She has one of the most beautiful voices in the world.
They say guys fall in love with a girl's face, but the voice is a big factor as well (at least for me)
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