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Old 08-01-2019, 09:30 PM
Lord_Viskey Lord_Viskey is offline
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A Compelling Thought Experiment About Heaven

Most of us do not have a "direct connection" to the "Big Guy" - or "Goddess" (but let's not get hung up on genre specifics here - you know who, or what, I'm referring to). Most of us have our angels, Archangels, and spirit guides, and such, as the natural "go-betweens" in this regard. (If you are in direct contact with the "Big One", you've got to be either a fanatic or a lunatic ... or perhaps Moses incarnate? ... Did'ja get any white hair out of the ordeal ...? ...Just sayin' ... But I digress and I'm not trying to judge)...

My point is : that all things in Creation have emanated down into this particular manifestation that we are all familiar with. Whether it's likely that we can associate all of this physical world's attributes and aspects to science or an "Intelligent Designer", I think we can all agree that there are a multitude of inescapable "annoyances", "shortcomings" and "conflictive situations" that have to constantly be put up with, from the moment we "scream out" with our first breath to that "last gasp" we all must inevitably take. Life lessons and soul experiences aside, whether, physical or psychological, those annoyances are always there.

Most people (I think) believe that there is also a Heaven, but then the logistics of how it occurs, what it is composed of, and even who gets to be there - all breaks down for us as groups or individuals begin to look at the matter seriously. (We can thank the "Tower of Babel" episode for this, I'll bet.)

This forum thread originates from me having once heard the suggestion that "maybe we create our own Heaven". After all, many of us also believe that we create, and exist in our own self made hells - something that seems to occur quite frequently, and practically enduring upon us for our whole "condemnable" life (you'd have to "be there" to understand that phraseology).

My question is this: "If there were a naturally occurring place in existence, on any level of reality of your preference (other than the "physical" but with just as much "ORGANIZATIONAL VALIDITY" as the physical plane), and you were given the power of a God to make it functional, what would you do different than what has already been incorporated into this reality that we all have a certain amount of familiarity with - knowing that we will all leave from it some day ?

After all, humans are not immortal. (But also think : "everything Jim Carey FAILED AT in the movie : 'Bruce Almighty'").

There is no taking this lightly (approach this as if it were an interview for a job you really, really, want). After all, you'll be wanting everybody in your "Eternal Home For Them" to love you, right?

In this respect, you must keep these points in mind:

1. There will be "SELF CONTAINED" Natural Laws that govern its continuation throughout eternity. Could you allude to a few of them?
2. There will be sentient beings inhabiting it, who are allowed to come and go as they please. Immortal is, as immortal does.
3. (here's the clincher) : Free will exists, but antagonism of any form does not. How could it be Heaven otherwise?

So, what conditions would you "decree" to make Heaven compatible for all entities? Remember : you made them, so all you have to do is let them see how to love you enough to stick around and be productive ... Everything else is a "natural, self sustaining phenomenon" from your own Divine Wisdom.

Does anyone out there care to tackle the creation of a Heaven suitable for the masses? Who knows. In contemplating this, we might find a way to better our selves in this expression....
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