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Old 02-09-2018, 03:54 PM
Lolly Lolly is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 547
I've been getting number frequencies that started a couple of months ago and its been constant ever since. I've wondered if they're some form of communication to show we're in tune with the Universe and manifestation of something is in the process of being created. Most times we're aware of experiencing what comes our way on a daily basis without really understanding or feeling the process of how we're manifesting what we do. I feel like the numbers and synchronicities are pointing us to seeing the process unfold before we get what we've created so to speak. Plus things can change, we can vere off and end up not completing the manifestation altogether. There's also the problem of interpreting whats coming, good/bad! I've been going off whats been happening with me at the time I see the synchronicities and numbers to see if I can get a clue. Vague I know but that's my opinion of my experience with them so far.

I've read about people who've seen the same numbers for years and nothing seems to be any different for them but perhaps they see them for so long because the numbers have been trying to tell them they've strayed from their life path or that they're on the right life path and to just keep going. There are so many possibilities for what they mean

I'd say have a think about whats going on in your life at the time these occur and see if anything is pointing in a particular direction!
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