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Old 23-09-2017, 09:11 PM
Scommstech Scommstech is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 55
Basically I think that you have to have an absolute belief in that we are creations of God. We are a Divine idea.
We then have to realise that our identity is as God, so in reality we are pure Divine energy, even though this energy is presented in the form of a body.
As we are a true reflection of God our core blue print must always be perfect. What we see in the mirror is the result of what others have told us.
The reason that we distort our Divine identity is because we have allowed false ideas to override Divinity and substituted problems in its place.
If we can maintain the belief that we come from a Divine source then our "problems" will disappear, God's identity for us takes over.
If we think of our "problems" then we replace God's perfection with our own miss understandings, and our misguided thoughts will create or sustain problems.
This is irrespective of any sort of level or creed.
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