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Old 01-12-2016, 02:41 AM
Lucid Dreamer Lucid Dreamer is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 7
Control is a bad word when it comes to lucid dreaming. A nicer word to use in influence. You can influence your dreams, but you can't "control" it. When you are lucid dreaming, you are consciously accessing your unconscious mind. You unconscious mind is a powerful thing. When you dream is simultaneously creating, and displaying an entire dreamscape for you. Its way more powerful than your conscious mind. If you unconscious mind doesn't want you to do something in your lucid dream, it will stop you one way or another. You can only do what its willing to let you get away with. Either it just won't let you do something, or an independent agent will step in and stop you. So no you cannot control your dream, dont think of it that way. But yes, you can influence it.

Was reading a book by Charlie Morley. Hes a lucid dreaming teacher. In his book he mentions a time when he was lucid dreaming and he starting completing manipulating the environment. Stopping time, and doing all sorts of things. all of the dream characters were being affected by his manipulation of physics and time, except one character who step up to him, and scolded him. Told him "Stop. We don't like when you do that". Then he woke up. So again, you can only "control" as much as your unconscious wants you to. So its not really control, that you have....its influence.
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