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Old 15-09-2016, 05:49 AM
Astral Explorer Astral Explorer is offline
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Originally Posted by RedBasket

I'm new to this part of the forum. I've been on a twin flame journey, going through separation from my twin runner but the energy is shifting and there is less resistance from him. Recently, there has been some brief, real world contact with him for the first time in many many months.

Now I've had wonderful, lengthy, rich dreams of him during separation that have helped my spiritual progression a lot. Many of my important dreams had him delivering the content to me (carrying a ship in a bottle as a gift, meeting me at the base of a broken pyramid he said was mine, talking jibberish at the Disney "It's a Small World" ride, etc etc). It always felt like his soul was talking to my soul when I awoke ... he wasn't just a random figure in these key dreams.

This morning I woke up and felt like I was present in my body, but I felt like there was an invisible, aetherial "him" next to me, being physical and affectionate and playful with me in bed. It wasn't like a dream and it wasn't a fantasy, it felt like an invisible, energy-force-body of him (his same scale and size and mass, though also weightless).

Is it possible he astral projected to me this morning? Any insights into him in terms of how I experience him in my dreams? When two souls regularly connect at night during our sleep, is this just a dream or an astral projection?

Final note - I had a coping technique from childhood of dissociating where I check out and I'm elsewhere, but I never see my body or hover. It doesn't happen often. I don't even know where I go, but I always get the "are you ok?" questions and "where were you?" So I mention this in case it could impact the way I experience or recall astral projection.

Thanks for your input. This is all a strange and exciting new world to me.
I don't think there is much truth in the twin flame theory honestly. I think the soul mate/twin flame theory is a Human created idea to make people who haven't found their life partner feel hopeful about the future. We as Human-beings create these ideas in almost every facet of life including social, relationships, economic, religion & dogma, etc. We have to feel like there is something bright in our future otherwise we feel lost and don't know what to do with ourselves, so the "twin flame" name itself is kind of comical to me because what is a flame if nothing more than a form of light? Personally in my opinion coming to the physical dimension to love somebody that you are completely compatible with and meant to be with is the opposite of the point of living and coming here. Our reason to come here is to learn how to love ourselves and others, especially others who we find difficult to love, who we dislike, who we harbor bad feelings for. That is a real lesson. What lesson is there is coming to the physical dimension and loving someone you apparently already love? Somebody you already apparently have loved and been with? Honestly the entire idea of it makes no sense to me and I'm pretty sure it's just a Human fantasy.

That's not to say that there is not someone out there that you are extremely compatible with - because there is. But that's just because there is billions of people on Earth and there is bound to be someone who is the right combination of like us and dislike us that blends perfectly with who and what we are. It's impossible to answer your question is a realistic and non-fantasy based manner because "twin flames" are a theory and not necessarily a fact. But the biggest question one would need to answer to begin to understand a situation like this is:

Is your "twin flame" in physical form as a Human-being or do they reside in the "spiritual" plasma based dimensions?

If they are a Human-being the chances are them astral projecting through a multitude of dimensions and somehow winding up in your bed is nearly impossible. We as Human-being astral projectors do not know how to navigate the astral realms and do not immediately control what dimension we end up in. A astral projector cannot visit a physical bed because astral projection fundamentally takes you into different non-physical dimensions. If you're talking about this occurring during a dream that is a little different but if your "twin flame" is a physical being they really couldn't magically end up in the spiritual dimension replicate same bed you're sleeping in unless they had some help from beings that exist in that dimension, even then who knows if it could happen. If that being exists in the astral then why did you come here? Why would you leave your twin flame to come to a physical dimension and look for love? It wouldn't make any sense to do so.

I'd be careful about sharing yourself romantically with any beings in your dreams or if you astral project, because 9 times out of 10 (if not more) it's a dark-being taking whatever energetic signature/form you desire in order to make you feel comfortable giving up yourself and your energy to them. There is much truth in the myths of incubi & succubi and these are very really beings that exist in the astral realms and feed on emotions and sexual energies. They would certainly pose as a "twin flame" or whatever ideology you believe in - in order to make you open up to them and give them what they want. Nothing we hold sacred is safe when it comes to dark-beings - they will use anything against you and take any form they can to get what they want. Not trying to scare you, just open your mind to the reality of it all.
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