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Old 23-05-2018, 07:52 AM
o0A0o o0A0o is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 131
Not that many but off the top of my head: My wife was a channel. We would lie on the bed and she would channel to a recorder for long periods of time. It facilitated the process when someone was with her listening. Frequently the beings, angels and other higher beings, would describe histories or tell stories. The stories typically wove around in circles so you ended up leaving behind preconceived ideas and would end with you in a perfect position to comprehend a lesson. It was masterful. Anyway sometimes I would see the words floating in the air before they were spoken. We lived in the mountains and I saw the spirits of dead animals on the property. Other times I have been in a heightened state where the atmosphere was thick like water. I have astral projected. A grain of sand told me it was from the future. Apparently it had passed though a portal during its evolution. I have felt incredibly intense love like an injection of potent pain medication from higher beings. I have not had the intense experiences with a twin flame that I see described on this forum but I have been told I was with a twin flame. With her I had some very vivid dreams with deep messages. I have had many higher level experiences with a current love including telepathy and a constant connection at the heart. It has varied in intensity but sometimes it feels like the person is hugging me feeling their love, energy, presence and warmth from above and behind my shoulders except without the physical pressure of weight.
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