Thread: Trains/Time
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Old 15-03-2018, 08:54 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is online now
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Originally Posted by Lolly
How to even describe this dream isn’t easy but it was about getting on a train or trains and needing to be somewhere (don’t know where) to find that the train/trains couldn’t get us (I felt there was others with me) there because of a problem on the line behind us. This is where it gets hard to describe. It was something to do with ‘time’ going backwards or forwards (not sure which) in order to make sure we reached the destination. The ‘time’ had to go back or go forward, I think for an hour and it was all related to this problem on the train line behind us.

We were on the tracks behind the train and it was like raised, maybe 1ft high concrete chimney pots with white tops on where we had to use shovels to flick the tops off and place them elsewhere. It was being explained as we did it as to how we would need to be an hour behind (or in front) of the time we were at so we could get the train moving. Weirdly, the instructions for what we had to do was given to us in a way that it was like a great big tannoy and you heard it around you like it was in the air?

trains are sometimes used as a metaphor for the traveling through time we do, because trains only move forward usually at a relatively constant speed and they are limited to staying on the tracks. e.g. can't go sideways and usually don't go backwards? But I'm not sure why the dream played out the way it did... the first part seemed to indicate you needed to go backwards to reach a destination whereas the second part belied that by saying you couldn't even move the train until you had moved in time? Which would seem to belie the idea that the train was being used to mean 'time' as they were maintained as two separate things in the dream? So I'm not sure... OTOH it is incredibly easy to move forward in time: just sit still and wait.
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