Thread: Newbie!
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Old 19-05-2020, 10:22 PM
Posts: n/a

Read the other threads under Wicca.

Wicca is an Earth based religion that recognize both a God and a Goddess. Some wiccans choose to honor a specific deity from a pantheon and others choose to work with titles. Certain traditions will have you to honor a specific deity and non traditions will allow you be more eccletic because you can choose any deity to work with and incorporate any outside source into practice. However, many will say to have the deity choose you and not the other way around. The Wheel of the Year is celebrated in Wicca and each holy day or Sabbat has a story behind it. In Wicca, they are celebrations of the union of the Lord and Lady or God and Goddess. The Wheel of the Year also reflects the seasonal changes and the birth, life, death and rebirth. The Esbats is mostly geared towards covens and it's during the time of feast, healing, and psychic work during the Full moon. The Esbat is comsidered the counterparts of the eight Sabbats, which marks the Sun's journey through the seasons. The Esbats marks the moon's journey and the connection with the Goddess.

Many seem to forget that Wicca isn't always about reading books and purchasing expensive tools. Go outdoors and walk in nature. The Earth will provide you the tools! Connect with the four elements and feel the energies. Do your part by cleaning the Earth or planting trees or flowers. Preserving the Earth is key to forming a deeper bond or connection with Her. Other spirits will take note and appreciate your work. Walk into the woods or a forest park. Stand near a running water and see how the water flows. Look at the animals and watch their roles on this Earth. Walk barefoot. If you lke, say what is on your mind when walking in nature.

Beginners in Wicca should start taking notes. Meditate and Ground. Learn how to Visualize and Shield. Practice how to cast a circle and invoke the four quarters. Learn how to dismiss the four quarters and close the circle.

You should be able to recieve your tools in nature. Just be patient and keep your eyes open. She rewards those who help Her. I know from experience.

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