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Old 07-06-2015, 02:13 PM
Blue Tiger Blue Tiger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 522
Why are some spirits afraid of the light? Probably because they are afraid they're going to face "Hell" or be punished for their less-than-perfect lifetimes.

If you believe you've "sinned" and are going to face wrath and judgment, fire and brimstone for eternity, of COURSE you'd be afraid of the light.

No, skygazer, the light is not a trap. Fearing the light, that's the trap. Fearing the light is.. well... FEAR and FEAR is a trap of the human existance.

But we do have that choice; to resist, to stay, to hang around... or to move forward into the light. We aren't forced to do anything. It's like at death we're plunked down at the entrance of a beautiful park or a carnival. It's for us to walk through the entrance or stay outside.

And it's not a trap; the entrance/exit is always open. If it were a trap, spirit could never come back to visit, watch over us, or speak through a medium.

But those are just my beliefs, not necessarily yours. If you want to believe it's a trap, that the light is somehow evil, that's your right and privelege.
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