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Old 18-07-2016, 10:06 AM
MARDAV70 MARDAV70 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 378
Thanks so much for sharing your fascinating story, Lynn. What a horrific experience your fall must have been. But despite that, the change within you is a light for us all. While I know and I fully embrace that the darkness that I travelled in and I never did anything morally unforgiving, it did make me whom I am today. Says so much, and affirms for me there is no such thing as punishment or such a place as hell. We simply have a "reset" of our inner being/consciousness when we cross over. I found that when I had my NDE. I rejected Christ and Christianity..."unforgivable sin number 1". I'm gay..."unforgivable sin number 2". Yet my experience was so incredibly wonderful I didn't want to return to this existence, yet what I learned was forgiveness and love, first of self, and then all others that follows...the Golden what truly matters.

Namaste, dear spirit.
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