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Old 01-04-2013, 10:36 PM
Posts: n/a
The strangest and most wonderful epiphanies come to me when I'm busy.

I got this, just the other week: All manifesting means is making something solid.

I thought immediately of that scene in the movie Beetlejuice where they are having the seance downstairs, while the ghosts Adam and Barbara are upstairs in the attic together. As the living humans downstairs are summoning the spirits of Adam and Barbara, you see the two of them try to touch hands, but Barbara begins to disappear, until she has faded completely. Remember that scene?

Well, manifesting is like that. You're either trying to make something solid, or make it fade into oblivion. I don't know about you guys, but to me, the word "manifesting" sounds as if you are trying to create something from scratch, with magical fairy dust or something.

I think a more accurate word is "solidify." Because there isn't anything that isn't real. If you can imagine it, it can become solid. It would just take the right amount of emotion and thought to make it so.

This is horrible, but we can all can imagine literally stabbing annoying people to death. We can all conjure that in our heads right now. That isn't spiritual at all, but you get the point. My point is, you can create any picture you want in your head. But obviously, none of us here would ever truly go there in emotion, thought, and action for real. But we could, couldn't we? People do it in the world everyday..

You can picture going to clown school. Hilarious and unlikely to most people, but hey.... put enough desire, emotion, visualization, thought into it? You bet the resources would open up for you to go to clown school.

Sing with Tina Turner? Quite a long shot, but something crazy could happen, and you could be invited up onstage someday to sing with Tina Turner, if you seriously put enough visualization, passion, blah blah blah into it. LOL

A horrific thing like acting on a rage, clown school, Tina Turner....... believe it or not, all three of those things are as real as the life you're living right now. They're just not solid. No one can see them, because they're in your head. But if you actually wanted to feed each of those things enough passion.... they'd be solid reality that others could see, hear, and feel.

What people keep doing is focusing on residual outcome. That's all "reality" is. Residual of past feeling, thought, and action. I had a new idea recently: I'll only call it reality if I like it and want to keep it solid. Anything else I don't want? It's just residual outcome.

So that said, staring at your vision boards, doing your visualizations, really working on focusing your attention toward your desired reality is so important. Because you're trying to let your undesired "residuals" become the ghost instead. But you can only do that if you pull back as much interest and attention as possible from your undesired "reality."

Sadly though, we see something unwanted in front of us, in 3-D solid reality, it's human nature for us to just keep seeing it, and rolling it around in our head.
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