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Old 22-10-2019, 06:36 PM
Posts: n/a
I couldn't read everyone's comments - but the sensation of 'Depression' (not the Mental Illness but the weight of loneliness) is the state of detachment - being detached from our Higher Self and Higher Purpose.
We expect Enlightenment without putting in the work - and even then, we believe the work we are doing - have been doing for lifetimes - should be enough to bring up clarity and reason - and yet, here we are - lost.

We must judge a tree by its fruits - has your tree yielded any fruits? Have you found fulfillment is serving? Serving others, serving your higher self, serving future generations, serving your nation... Service is a broad term - but the purpose of service is being selfless and working towards enhancing our Personal Power - Enlightenment is 'Peak Personal Power.' The point where our personal energy can be visible to not only those who can see it, but to event those who cannot...

Personal Power is a broad topic in and of itself - achieved through breaking away the concreteness of our understanding - that the Now is defined and immutable and cannot be influenced by Thought or Desire or Intention.

Have your intentions be clear? Are they fragmented - are you fragmented - have your diversified your energy, your focus, your time to many different pursuits or interests? Enlightenment is arrived at when we serve One Master - define that as you will - but it ends up being, Higher Purpose or Higher Spirit.

Change Habits
Change Thinking
Change Surroundings
Improve your health, Improve you attention and focus, Be open and free with sharing your Personal Energy with others - Intend goodness for others around you - offer others your sincere and silent prayers - be modest, be timid and yet fierce - timid means Being Open to the higher Frequencies, fierce means, to be bold in the face of the Frequencies no matter how they manifest inside you...

We are Warriors - the War is against our Limitations. Our enemy is our Fear. Conquer Fear by overcoming our Limitations... And that demonstrates to us our higher purpose.

Last edited by newageseer : 22-10-2019 at 09:42 PM.
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