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Old 31-01-2020, 04:47 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Flexi-Girl
I came across this video where the speaker was talking about love. I forgot where I found it or I'd put it up. In it, he basically said he believes love should be earned and not given unconditionally with the exception of babies, and or people with certain mental conditions.

He went on to explain how in all your relationships friendships etc, you must always to continue to earn that relationship.

I thought about this idea, and I find it a somewhat appealing. I think the concept of unconditional love gets tossed around so loosely and yet it's never clearly defined in relationships. It makes it hard to know where your boundaries are.

I wonder also, if you have to earn someone's love and they have to earn your love, maybe people would value each other more.

I have to give this some more thought.

I believe that its better if we can learn to love others, but that it’s appropriate to know that one stays virtuous, grateful etc

If he meant valuing others, including those whom may love you unconditionally, then I think it’s a good message

Treasure that which you have, be grateful for the love in ones life

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