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Old 18-02-2018, 02:06 AM
Nitiananda Nitiananda is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 161
Why yoga is not really effective for people now

The time of existence of the universe can be divided into four periods - the period of the Void, the period of Creation, the period of Conservation and the period of Destruction. The period of the Void is the era of the complete separation of souls into two parts - the souls that go up, and the souls that fall down ..
First, think about the period of Creation. For example, souls descending from the Heavens of Light, after completing the experience of the World of Brahma and the experience of the World of Heaven descend into the World of Men. On the other hand, the inhabitants of Hell form the World of Prets, the World of Animals and rise to the World of Men. In normal times, there would be processes and falls, for example, from the World of Men to Hell, and the ascent from the World of Preto to the World of Animals or from the World of Preto to Heaven. But in this period this does not happen.
In the period of the creation of the universe, souls with high merit, losing and spending merit, descend from the Heaven of Light to Brahma's Heaven, to the Heaven of the World of Passion, to the World of Asuras or to the World of Men. The experience of such souls is high. That is, if, for example, the soul descended into the World of Men, its experience of previous incarnations may be the World of Asuras, the Heaven of Peace of Passion, the World of Brahma or the Heaven of Light. So, this soul only owns the data of the ascending plan, only the data of the higher worlds.
Soon there are souls who came to the World of Men, having a very different experience - having risen from Hell or having experienced the World of Pretots or the World of Animals. People who come from the upper levels have mystical abilities. People who come from low levels do not have such abilities. These data most often determine the intellect and division by social status. And now, among this structure of the Six Worlds of the World of Passions, a Savior appears, carrying the Law, who wants to bring souls that have fallen down to the higher worlds-for example, to Heaven of Light or to the highest world-Maha Nirvana. The savior of this time does not save any other souls, except those who came from high worlds and possess high Merit. And the Law that he preaches is the Law of Personal Purification, the Law of Self-Purification, that is, Hinayana. Later, people profaned this Law, considering it too selfish. But, in fact, Hinayana means not only personal spiritual practice. It also contains instructions for independent ascent to the higher worlds. But here it is very important to understand the following: through this practice only those souls can enter Maha Nirvana, who have so far experienced the experience of only the higher worlds. In other words, souls who for a long period of time have received the experience not only of the higher, but also of other worlds of the World of Passion, will not achieve through this practice something special, since the same practice, depending on the quality and maturity of the soul, leads to different results.
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