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Old 04-03-2016, 10:11 PM
Lambo009 Lambo009 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 59
Originally Posted by r6r6r
How do we know the soul does not enter the eggs when the spermazoas head cracks open and releases its genetic stuff?

Maybe the sould guides the RNA-DNA of both set of genetics ans assembles them, kinda of like santa clause's little elves in there with their tools connecting the mans genetics with the womans gentics?

How come we cant see this soul? We have all kinds of fancy instrumentation that can see via sound, EMRadiation etc......

Is the soul to small to see with our instrumentation? Only twice in last 40 years have we had indirect observation of a gravity and it has long been thought to exist at micro scales of 10^-36th or so.

Is a soul more like gravity or EMRadiation?

I believe a each biological cell is a soul and when the spermazoa the egg souls come together their is synergetic resultant that divides into two cells then four then 8 etc and I belive each of those cells is a soul.


This idea of the soul guiding the DNA/RNA is infinitely fascinating! However, the fact remains that we haven't been able to measure it yet because humans are stupid at the core. Myself included. We are all stupid apes, so it takes us time to figure out these problems, which is why I'm going to build an EM field measurement device that is made to measure power fluctuations in each part of the EM field generator in order to determine the face suspended plasmas can apply, unless somebody beats me to it that is, which I'd be okay with. And this same device should be able to be used to infer the existence of the soul and allow somebody smarter than me to come up with a better measuring instrument that can measure it directly. I think the soul is most similar to (but distinct from) EM radiation. And what a fascinating belief! And I have no qualms with it entirely, but I do not share that particular belief, although I acknowledge it is equally probable :)
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