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Old 17-09-2013, 02:56 AM
Gypsy Star
Posts: n/a
Calming Angry Spirits

I was interested to know if anyone else has had any experience with spirits that are angry and aggressive to begin with, but that "calm down" after association with you.

My first and ongoing experience with this involves a burial ground that houses the spirits of some very justifiably annoyed spirits. Shamans have put wards in place to keep these spirits contained. Even so the impact of these wards tends to waver. When they were weak some of the stronger spirits "escaped". After a rather rude introduction to each individually and my subsequent lessons in manners, the three have "gentled" to the point that they hang around and I've given them names. Those three calmed the others down. Now the wards aren't working on them as well as they use to, which was rather faulty. These spirits are now actually helping with work that is being done in the area.

The second experience involves my home. I bought a house last year and after seeing/sensing a malevolent little boy looking through the window, I realized I should do a better job of warding it against evil intent. I warded the whole property and now he can only stand on the sidewalk and look towards the house. At first he was furious, but using the same principles as with the other spirits, I've slowly "gentled" him somewhat. Now instead of fury, I feel overwhelming sadness from him.
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