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Old 06-08-2015, 06:02 PM
CrystalSong CrystalSong is offline
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To be honest with you I'm not getting any thing from this.
There might be some minor waves which cause a small percentage of more people to shift and some more to more closer to Shift, but it's not feeling as big as what happened 12/21/12 - which seemed for the most part to Shift those who were on the brink of it anyway and possibly would have of their own accord within the decade or so.

Some are saying there's something coming up in 2025, a resurgence of the 12/21/12 energies or something settling in from the 12/21/12 energies. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

When I ask about his comments on the fall of the stock market, and other things which were dire sounding I actually get the opposite - prosperity and material comfort are coming up in general.

Periodically there are nay-sayers and doom-dayer's and they make some money off their dire predictions... but generally it's just more fear mongering and when it does unfold it's a blip here and there which is already out of the news by weeks end.

I do believe in an over -all global Shift of consciousness world wide, but it's going to happen increment by increment, and by our own efforts to walk our talk and daily living from what ever our highest state of consciousness is, with the intention of ever increasing it.
And truly we should be getting ourselves sorted out, sort of like putting your own oxygen mask on before assisting the person next to you.

Change and Evolution happen slowly. There doesn't seem to be anything super sudden except on the individual level - but not globally.
Or so is my opinion :)
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