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Old 10-02-2018, 01:50 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: West Wales. u.k
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Originally Posted by catsquotl
What ever happend to asking for clarification instead of assuming we get what the other is trying to say?
Your seem to be missing the point on both threads.

Trust is elusive and hard to come by. Especially on forums.
That doesn't mean everything that is said should be taken personally.

With Love

It was quite clear.

Yes. I'm only talking about avoiding stuff which turns on the person expressing a view disagreed with, rather than responding to the issues. And yes this is not the place for the former (we dont know each other so difficult to have the necessary relationship of trust) but with good will can be the place for the latter. Best just have an exchange of views with those Dudes who are up for discussion rather than the personal stuff otherwise this forum would be a very mean place:)

We can just deal with each other on the basis of the ideas expressed. No need to get into the distraction Teacher/Pupil. The descriptions used after each of our names are simply based on the number of posts, not the quality of the content:)
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