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Old 14-12-2010, 05:32 AM
Posts: n/a
You can't really put out a request on his behalf, especially if his vibration may be working counter to that. You can, however, support him so that his vibration becomes aligned to what it is he wants. If he cannot find work right now, then there is a reason. He might really, really want a job, but maybe his request is not clear or specific enough; or his request is fine, but he is doubting that it's possible, so he is blocking the receiving of his request.

If two people come together and one person is in a higher vibration (closer to Source, let's say), and the other person is down in the dumps, one of two things usually happen. The first is that the higher vibration person raises up the lower vibration person. (Just as a side note, by "higher" and "lower" I don't mean their value as people, just vibrational states of being. Everyone's journey is important!) The other thing is that the lower vibration person will just completely leave the orbit of the other person, and be repelled.

It sounds like you really want to support and uplift the other person in your life, so I encourage you to continue doing that. At the same time, the other person must be open to receiving. He might think he is, but if he does some inner investigation, he may find something like a lack of self-confidence, lack of faith in the market, or something along those lines which is holding back his intention. For instance, a lot of unemployed people right now are listening to the news almost every day, and hearing about the market fluctuations. One day the news says that outcomes look good; the next day they say unemployment has risen. People take this as sacrosanct, and it changes their vibration of attraction for the worst.

On the other hand, I know people who are always able to find work in their field, even if so-called economic conditions are trying to convince them otherwise. If your partner is paying too much attention to outside influences and less attention to what his heart is telling him, then that is likely the reason he can't find work. It can be a hard pill to swallow, being told that the reason is you, but it's not meant to be hurtful. It is just a sobering truth to aid you in realigning with what you really want.

Just as a side note, I think that, in general, it is healthy for all of us to do what I call a "media fast". That is, ignore the news, television, etc. for a length of time. There are so many embedded messages in it that hurt our consciousness and our intention without us even being aware. Tuning it out allows you to tune back into yourself more.
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