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Old 07-01-2018, 10:30 AM
naturesflow naturesflow is offline
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[QUOTE Gem]Yes I think that's the gist of it in the general sense, but there is the specific aspect of staying with I AM, which I take to mean your constant presence.[/quote]

Ok I understand now.

Yes, that would be ideal, because it is quite an indepth talk from the advaita ND perspective.

Oh right, that sounds like a good idea. Can you give an example of such an affirmation?

Well it was a long time ago now in the depth of my own conditioning, but ultimately things like this. I am worthy and respected by all those in my world or I am in trust of my life and process, I accept myself as I am. The list is endless really.

Through those years I actually shifted the old conditioned patterns by staying focused on the new affirming mindset. My body naturally went into a release and shift right through the whole sensation, energy and emotional body clearing quite often. I always knew when the fear was being released as my body would shake uncontrollably and then I knew it was out of me more complete.

Yes, so its a process of dissolving in that pure conscious awareness.

Yes I understand.

Yes same here. I'm no longer the named thing 'gem' - still the same personality but more spontaneous in that I don't have to do what I do per-se, but I just know what I'm doing. How could I say? I am being knowing?

Yes I understand this too. My last shift really kicked in the balance in me and ability to stay in this mode. My mind has settled you could say. Something that has taken probably around thirty years of constant dedication to do so..
Things work out better not so much because I do it better, but because I'm more consciously aware of what arises to my mind, more intricately aware of what I'm doing. I lost a lot of attachment to all of that because I know the arisings of the mind aren't really me, and nothing in the experience can affect my true nature.

Nothing in the experience can affect my true nature.
I am with you.
“God’s one and only voice are Silence.” ~ Herman Melville

Man has learned how to challenge both Nature and art to become the incitements to vice! His very cups he has delighted to engrave with libidinous subjects, and he takes pleasure in drinking from vessels of obscene form! Pliny the Elder
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