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Old 05-06-2015, 02:49 PM
wmsm wmsm is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 897
Originally Posted by Bluescreens
If I may, to me it's almost as if there is no difference between the male and female gender (physically) except our sexual organs/reproductive systems and slight brain chemistry differences. Sure, gender effects a majority of our life... at least for most of us, but when we get down to it there's no real difference between them.

I've met girls who are like men on the inside, and men whom have girly personalities... it's all on how you were raised and a lot of sexual energy too. MALE, and FE MALE, they are terms. We each possess feminine and masculine principles within us, but the balance of the two is where the real struggle lies.

I'm up for discussion wmsm. I'm not disproving anything you've said, in fact, a lot of it is true. But as for the male and female aspects, why is it so important than a man be the one to harness all of those... shall we say, privileges? Shouldn't we be maintaining a balance instead of letting one side control the other?

Spirituality has been a discussion relating to the self development of humanity.

Science took our spiritual wisdom and changed its personal status and tried for ownership of the power of the spirit that they themselves determined was masculine.

A male called the creator a male, he also gave all values of ownership of science from and through his own mind and spirit.

In today's society we are being demonstrated to that the spirit self is neither male nor female, and for humanity it is a needed and required teaching to maintain life itself, for the male and his arrogant review of everything states through his ego that he "knows all and understands all".

Scientists questioning our spiritual psyche, unknown to many think that they can identify our Mother as an aspect of spirit regarding God as male discussions and Mother the Goddess through our human presences to evaluate their own purpose and self practice of trying to gain spirit power, as the power of God.

Our Light Father explained to me that male egotism stating that he knows all, when he only knows himself as an evaluation, is the very reason why our lives as an evolution continually gets destroyed by them.

Balance is not a male and female, as the human being arrogant in their self determined hierarchy do not represent all things through their own consciousness, or the review of other consciousness as a naming/examination.

The truth to balance is the maintenance of natural survival, for our spirit evolved through a natural function. We were created with a spiritual awareness that allowed us to commune in and with our Nature knowing how to survive and care for ourselves.

Wisdom as a review actually implies that our natural state needed to be manipulated for a self gain to define status as a personal gain, yet the self or spirit had already gained what it had caused/created.

It is the want of gain for self that has caused our spiritual self destruction, as want of self initiated or began the actual event for light to change its origin, causing the act of destruction we have reviewed that caused our organic manifestation.

Naming of spirit therefore is a dishonest evaluation done so for the purpose of trying to understand the function of spirit to own it or define it for a self gain.

We actually simply exist as a spirit that recognizes differences without having to name or describe difference to make some form of statement about another's self presence.

As our spirit journey began as a multiple spirit body of males and females who manifested out of the same spirit light as a large conscious spirit realization, the only reason we chose to define difference was for the gain of spirit power or science.

Science then altered the naturally evolved equal spirit condition that we first inherited which is the very problem we all face today, for many of us suffered by gaining cellular and mind/brain mutations.

Balance is therefore natural and cannot be defined as a purpose.
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