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Old 03-06-2015, 02:32 AM
Bluescreens Bluescreens is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Location: The Universe
Posts: 217
Woah, what? So nothing became aware it was nothing and became something? Doesn't the awareness itself become that very something from the nothingness that began? The whole "was created" idea is always a mystery because we have no way to measure what we do not know of and there are more things in which we do not know than indeed know, yet we often think we "know everything"... interesting post, 0 and infinity are concepts I enjoy.. but as for where it all came from, it is all thought expressing itself in various forms of matter and information, weaving together our insights and such things. Woo!

Originally Posted by Revya
Something along those lines. It's like a series of events playing out as powerfully transcendent ideas expanding upon themselves as the ideas spread out from the original idea. at times they can sink back into each other, and eventually there's a final reckoning in the form of some final existential thesis encompassing all beings and all experiences and all moments as they collide back into singularity.

It's more like thought creates everything and everything extending as a byproduct of thought. So you could imagine the first utterances of the first conscious entity being something along the lines of "I exist" But it truthfully doesn't matter. We're all just pieces of self trying to make sense of being self in a sea of other.there's nothing wrong with self or other, just that Self seeks meaning in the other, and thus they are irrevocably revolving until Self understands other as Self. The final reckoning of realization. All Is one, and all has always been one.

Or something like that.

Holy poopsicles! That makes total sense and just blew my mind! We are all extensions of that source realizing itself.
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