Thread: Cryptocurrency
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Old 01-09-2017, 03:04 PM
Snow Goose Snow Goose is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 500
I haven't read every post here, just the first and last page, I can see this idea is one of those things that brings out strong opinions in people.

Cryptocurrency definitely isnt for me, I feel that currency needs to be dependent on something like when we used to use gold standard.

I love cash, I love the power I feel while holding it, I for one am going to miss having cash, if it disappeared.

I used to run a cash only business, was such a good feeling to physically count my earnings for the day. We seem to have become scared of cash, gone are the days when you could walk into a car sales garage and negotiate a better deal when buying in cash. I used to work in banking and we had to report cash transactions of what they considered to be a large amount to a central body.

An interesting thing I have noticed in recent years is that people aren't paying into banks and are keeping cash at home more and more, I think collectively a lot of us have lost all trust in financial institutions.