Thread: What am I???
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Old 07-04-2015, 04:52 AM
Smile it's just me
Posts: n/a
What am I???

I feel like I have a little of everything and not enough of anything...I feel others energy and my aunt says I have healing hands...she often asks me for a massage but I don't give her a massage as most would, it's more of a laying of hands and I seem to absorb her pain...after, almost instinctively I sit back with my hands face up on my lap and go into a meditative state to release the pain. I know when someone is sad or ill even when they are far away. I have been able to know when death is coming from a very young age. And have visitations from people BEFORE they pass...How is that possible if they are not dead yet? My pets and I are always in tune with one another...I can just think the word bath and they look at me with that OH NO look. I feel spirits around me get glimpses of shadows and see faces when my eyes are closed they say nothing so I just pray for mercy just in case they need something. Sometimes I hear my husband say something to me before he says it....I feel like I have a higher calling but not sure which calling it is...I know I am different from people around me and I don't even put my name on my emails etc. I just put...Smile, it's just me...I've been having that saying for as long as I can remember...
Any suggestions on which path I should take first to enhance my abilities?
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