Thread: Hearing Voices
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Old 10-01-2019, 12:01 AM
Joe77 Joe77 is offline
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I’ve been hearing voices since at least 2015 and up to now most of my voices were negative.

However the most recent voice I experienced (in August) was very gentle, positive, and wise, so they are not all bad.

Here are my list of tips and tricks for beating the negative voices.
I put this together over time to help me and help others.
I hope it helps those who are going through this.

My Recipe for Defeating Negative Voices
Some things the negative voices did to me:
They put thoughts and ideas in my mind which makes me suspicious or afraid of other people.
They remind me of mistakes I made, to damage my self confidence.
They reminded me of my sins to make me feel guilty.
They do these things to isolate me from other people, so that they will have all my attention.
Any thoughts or ideas which lead to negative feelings come from them.
They also physically hurt me by zapping my brain which felt like sudden sharp headaches and they took credit for it, and boasted about all they could do to me.
The negative voices feed off my negative feelings.
That is what makes them more powerful.
Here are some of the bad feelings they feed off:
Suspicion (not trusting people)
Low self-esteem
Low Confidence

So from now on I tell them that I know what they are doing to me, and that it will NOT work anymore.

How to make the Negative Voices weaker
1) Know that you are not Alone !
If you need help, just reach out to someone.
Do not be afraid to talk about it.
Try not to keep it inside.
The more you talk about it, the better.
You CAN and WILL get through it, no matter what they say or do to you.
2) Be Aware they can put Thoughts and Ideas into your mind.
If the thought or idea leads to any negative feeling either about you yourself, or about other people, then it is possible that comes from the voices.
They can plant negative thoughts and ideas in your mind.
So Recognise that bad feelings will not help you, and Keep telling yourself that you are finished with bad feelings!
3) Try to connect more with family and friends.
This means talking more, helping out at home, cooking, trying to stay busy. Making plans to do things.
These things will help you to trust others and trust yourself.
4) Try to become more active.
This is difficult but it’s very good for quietening the voices.
Join a sports club (maybe Swimming lessons, or go to a Badminton club)
Pick something you like, and go every week for at least a month. For example play an hour of Badminton every Monday for a month.
A good start is half the work, so try something, and you will see, gradually you will feel better !
This will help you to make new friends as well so give it a try.
5) Practice Positive Feelings Every Day
Positive feelings can be improved by the senses, tasty food, favorite smells etc.
“I want to live because my life is a gift from God, and God loves me. I will live a good life, and my good life is my gift back to God.”
Remind yourself every day that God loves you, your family loves you, and you love your family.
6) Join a hearing voices group if possible
Join a hearing voices group if possible so that you can talk openly about what you are experiencing.
Also keep a diary of what you are experiencing.
I find that if I write down what the voices are doing to me it takes away some of their power over me.
Write down as much as you can about how they affect you. This does help because you learn how they are manipulating you.
7) Show the voices Love and Compassion
The negative voices want you to feel negative feelings about yourself and about them. They want you to be angry. That’s what gives them more power and control.
So if you do the opposite and show them compassion and love they do not know what to do and they become weaker.
8) Start making Plans for your Future
Make small plans first, and then make bigger plans.
If you can think of any other ways to help yourself, write it down!
9) Do something that brings you comfort
Put on your favourite hoody, eat your favourite food, smell your favourite perfume or listen to your favourite music.
10) Find a quiet place you can go to relax and be still. This could be in a church or a park or in a forest or near restful waters. A sanctuary.
11) Reconnect with nature. The kind, wise voice I heard in August suggested I should reconnect with Nature, and this helps a lot. Eco therapy is free for everybody.
12) Keep a list of things that help you, and share it with others !!
Peace and Love to All
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