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Old 18-02-2011, 04:31 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Shabda
hell isnt eternal...
Actually there is no hell, why would there be? We are infinite beings, what would be the point of sending an infinite being to such a place? Hell is a man made construct meant to keep good christians in a state of worry. If I don't give 10%, if I tell a lie, if I don't honor my mother and father and the list goes on and on. Same as sin, whats the point? The root word actually means to miss the mark much like an archer. However we are not held accountable for such nonsense.

All believers of whatever religion go the the believers realm. Not to hell or any other bad place. We are all connected through the consciousness of Source, not god but Source or the All That Is or the Creator.

There is Karma or something akin to it. It isn't really Karma but that is just how we understand it. As we grow and become more conscious of who and what we are it becomes clear. It does take many life experiences to get it but we will eventually get it. The christians or believers chose what it is they want to experience, so we shouldn't be too hard on them. Leave them alone to continue with the choice they have made.

Each of us has the choice of what it is that we would like to experience in each life experience. When we pass on from this physical experience, we have an opportunity to review what we did or didn't do based on the choices that we made. There is no judgement, only an opportunity to decide if we need to have another experience to fix any bad situations that we may have created. Perhaps if there were no bad things, we could come back to help, teach or gain more experience.

There is no holy ghost, no hell and certainly no sin. No punishment!!
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