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Old 27-05-2017, 07:06 PM
olhosdeamendoa olhosdeamendoa is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 296
Originally Posted by Wanderer
Are you looking to start your own business in the "lightworker" field where you would charge people for your services? If so, then what she's doing is no different than what you intend to do.

We all have the potential inside to develop our gifts and help others to do the same. Personally, I would never pay money for a service that I can do for myself. As in: a course on developing myself. And in that same vein, I would never charge someone for providing those services. I have a job, which pays my bills. Assisting someone on their spiritual path is payment in itself and is not the way to pay your bills. But again, that's my opinion only and I'm not knocking those that do that, or those that pay for those services.

Thanks for your reply Wanderer, but I believe that if you do not charge for spiritual services, you are doing a disservice to yourself and others.

First, you would have to do something else to pay the bills, and that means less time and energy to devote to your calling, what would make me extremely frustrated.

Second, money is only energy and someone paying for spiritual services is basically an exchange of energy. It is a balance of giving and receiving.

They are paying you for something that changes their lives for the better, I bet that is much more important than paying for many items that are completely irrelevant and so many people are happy to pay for.

Third, for most people, when you offer free spiritual service, they do not take it seriously or are committed to it. Many people accept an ebook, a course or a programme just because it is free but they leave it in the middle or do not even start it.

By charging money, they are serious about doing their inner work and they are making a commitment to themselves to go all the way. It is also a question for respecting yourself as a lightworker, because you can only help people that are serious and ready about getting help.

Last but not least, you need to do what makes you feel right. If for you it feels bad charging money for spiritual service, just don't.

To me it feels not just right, but it feels AWESOME to receive money to do my life calling. And the more money the better.
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