Thread: 3 knocks
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Old 27-02-2019, 10:20 AM
tabane27 tabane27 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 393
3 knocks

Not sure if this is the right place to put this.

My psychic abilities have disappeared since 2 years ago when I fell pregnant and lately things are starting to pick back up again.
It started with tones in the ears and obes but not very vivid. At Xmas I was trying to sleep and the room sound dropped and an eye opened up in front of me looking straight at me. I thought yes I’m opening back up but nothing followed. A week later I started to see things in corner of my eye around the house. Thought nothing of it except il let it just flow and just be aware. Started to hear noises coming from upstairs like there someone moving around. My stepdaughters room it comes from mostly. I’m usually that convinced she’s sneaked home from school and have to check but nothing is there. I sat her down and told her and as I did we both heard it again in her room, loads of shuffling. This started to make me think a bit more than just letting things just flow. I asked my mum to come and doing a clearing in my house for me as I thought and outsider might be better clearing whatever.
Over a period of time I started to get thoughts in my head that were unwanted and uncontrolled negative or paranoid. I went to bed the other week and as I drifted the room sound dropped again, I ignored it and tried to drift, I was stunned up out of bed from hearing 3 load knocks. No-one heard but me. I was very much aware it was spirit of some sort. Asked my mum to come again for another clearing. I’d also told my mum I don’t feel negativity except my thoughts. 3 nights ago it happened again. We was all stood in the kitchen with the dog and heard foot steps creeping in hall way looking through to our kitchen. I turned to look and felt eyes burning on me. The dog went mad which was strange for him. I went to bed that night and as I drifted I heard 3 knocks again. This time I sat up in bed talking myself into going down for food as I knew I wouldn’t go back to sleep after that. Went down stairs and things seemed ok until I went back upstairs. I walked up stairs in the dark but could still see there was a white thick smokey huge thing form right in my path up the stairs. It shocked me and carried on walking through it up stairs into bed quick. I felt eyes on me in bed for a bit but can say it didn’t feel negative. The 3 knocks stand out to be, its for a reason but unsure. Anyone help me with this?
Im a woman not a man
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